What a turn around from last week! I am so proud of myself for not giving up by ending the challenge (Giving up the challenge when I fell off track is a past pattern of behaviour of mine.) This week I did not give in to my temptations (the cravings were back due to my previous week of sugar intake.) 

What I did do... I gave it everything I had. I did much self talk (get up and make your smoothie/go straight to the gym/water water water/my excuses won't define me, my determination will!) I found that even though I didn`t have the natural positive energy to do these things, by having a `self talk`plan for when my self doubt and my self sabotaging thoughts started, I was able to give it all I could this week and the results are remarkable! :)

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    Finding Me

    A long time ago, I stopped thinking about what I was eating and now, when I look at pictures, I don't recognize myself. I am ready to change that. 
    JOIN ME!!

