I am down a total of 20lbs  and have gained 7lbs of lean muscle mass since January 7th. In addition, I have lost a total of 23 inches ~ All of this is great! But as you can see... my "love handles" have re-appeared. Indentations as weight disappears in some areas will accentuate the lumpiness of other areas. It is hard to be excited about your progress when you feel lumpy and frumpy. I have experienced a mixed bag of emotions in the early part of challenge 3. As I witness my body do some of the things I never thought it would again (for example...run) I am overcome with feelings of pride, strength, and confidence. And then there are those times when you run smack dab into the face of another person's negativity. It sure makes for a hard fall.
Recently I over heard someone make a really awful and unwarranted comment about me, my body, and it's ugliness. Unfortunately, I was in ear shot range which is a testament to this individual's level of character. Talk about me, I don't care. Just do it so I can't hear. If I am in the vicinity, wait. I will leave eventually and you can say anything you want about me. Ugg. People. The shitty thing is, it took 2 days for me to pull myself out of the downward spiral. That is what bothers me most. How I let someone else's negativity influence me. Once I snapped out of it, I came out ready to forge on and I used the negative comments as fuel to feed my fire. 
I am so excited for where this challenge is going to take my fitness level. I have 9 weeks left of bootcamp, 10 weeks left to train for my 20K walk, I am working hard on my walk/jog program, and I have recently stepped outside of my comfort zone and made my very 1st project 10 video. Everyday I work harder, longer, and I get stronger. Here's to the next 53 days. I am so excited to see what they will bring!! Xo 


    My Goals:

    Step it up. Be accountable. Share the challenge, always. Embrace this sense of purpose.


    August 2013

