Goals For the Next 90 Days: 
1) To drink 2 - 3 shakes per day
2) Remove White Refined Sugar, White Flour, & White Table Salt from my diet. 
4) To drink between 48 and 72ozs of vodka ;} I mean, WATER per day.
5) To complete 30+ mins of Cardio 5 times per week and to complete 15 mins of strength training 5 times per week

I am that girl, the one who has tried every single diet, fad, gimmick, you name it, to lose the weight I gained so quickly during my 2nd year of university. The one thing I have not done in the past, has been to go "public." Sure my closest peeps have been invited to share in previous weight loss journeys, but I have not allowed myself to become as open and exposed as this blog & challenge will be for me. I am doing this to hold myself accountable and with the hopes that other challengers will join me and together we will LOSE IT once and for all! I have quite a bit of weight to lose, so with this 1st challenge I am setting a weight loss range goal to lose 5-10lbs, and/or drop 10 inches, and/or 2 dress sizes. Small goals are more attainable and since I have big plans to do a few more challenges this year, I am going to LOSE IT slow and healthy!!!  :) 

    Finding Me

    A long time ago, I stopped thinking about what I was eating and now, when I look at pictures, I don't recognize myself. I am ready to change that. 
    JOIN ME!!

