I just came home from Jillian Michael's Maximize your Life Tour!! It was very inspiring, the perfect start to the perfect end of my 1st 90 day challenge.

Jillian started her show off asking the audience what their "why" is for wanting to lose weight or make a transformation. For those of us on the challenge, we know all about this, don't we? We are asked to figure out our why when we commit to the 90 day challenge.

How many can relate to this? We have a ton of motivation at the start of a challenge. We are excited and we give everything we have to it. We see some success and suddenly we feel great. We become a little lax and start to slip back into old habits. We lose focus. We stray and fall.

What do you think the difference is between those of us who see our challenge through to the end from those of us who struggle to keep going?

The difference is in the "Why." Is your "why" connected to your heart, does it hold conviction for you? 

Your why has to mean something, more than the basic words 'to get healthy' more than 'to fit those jeans from high school'  Your why needs to be so strong that it is what will pick you up from that fall. I am not saying health can't be a why. What I AM saying is, what is it about 'getting healthy' that makes it your why?

Dig deep, find your "WHY" and write it down. True transformation is possible when you have faith, an action plan that you execute, and a WHY that you cannot let go of.

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    Finding Me

    A long time ago, I stopped thinking about what I was eating and now, when I look at pictures, I don't recognize myself. I am ready to change that. 
    JOIN ME!!

