I am really proud of myself for completing my 1st EVER  90 day challenge!!! I have a few days left and I am rocking them out with everything I've got! During this challenge I learned some very important things that I will carry with me into my next.

Self Talk - Most important Messages You will Receive come from Yourself. How you talk to yourself makes all difference. I know it sounds silly but if you can tell yourself one positive thing in the morning i.e. I am so excited to go to boot camp tonight (even if what you want to say is, damn I have boot camp tonight) your positive thoughts will become your reality. Trust me, this is so true! Send your positive vibes out into the universe and you will receive that positive energy back tenfold. 

Energy - We all know this is the key to action. Good Energy can only obtained through healthy eating and giving our body the nutrition it needs to function optimally.  Cutting out the crap like high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and white refined sugar is a necessity if you want to see your body change. I am a past serial denier of this. I read all the facts a few years back about the dangers of these two specific demons. I wanted so much to prove them wrong, so I focused on cutting calories while still incorporating them into my diet. Unfortunately, I soon had to face reality. It is only when I cut these two things out of my diet when I see results. HFCS is in so many pre-packaged foods, read the labels, if it is there, don't buy it. Even if you love it, even if it is cheap. The money you save for your instantaneous indulgence will cost you so much down the road in terms of your health and will sabotage your efforts in the present to reaching your goals. A little side note: HFCS messes with the chemicals in our brains and tricks us into thinking we are still hungry. It seriously is the devil.  HFCS is used as a stabilizer and a cheap additive to make foods 'taste better.' Companies are profiting at the expense of our health. 

Baby Steps - In the past, whenever I started a plan to lose weight and improve my health I would set some very aggressive goals. When I didn't accomplish my first goal by the deadline I set, I would feel like a failure and throw in the towel. I did something different in this challenge. I focused on losing inches and gave myself small attainable goals, I told myself that I will do as many 90 day challenges as required to reach my ultimate healthy place. This gave me permission to take things slow and what an amazing eye opener this was for me! I could focus on the mental aspect of what made me eat, focus on the self talk, focus on connecting the negative behaviour to triggers and put a plan in place to change it. It gave me permission to forgive myself and to carry on.

This 90 day challenge started off as a weight loss plan and became so much more... It became life giving.  Simply amazing.

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    Finding Me

    A long time ago, I stopped thinking about what I was eating and now, when I look at pictures, I don't recognize myself. I am ready to change that. 
    JOIN ME!!

