Day 69. Wow, I do not think I can effectively write how it feels to be here right now. I never thought I would get the courage to do this, to be so forthcoming and public with my health transformation. It still shocks me and I still feel a little vulnerable. I am inspired by my Mom and Dad who both made amazing health transformations last year. I am inspired by the CNN documentary I watched last night about the obesity epidemic in North America. I am encouraged and energized because of the Body By Vi 90 day challenge. Accomplishing small goals every 90 days is so doable. Looking forward to having a delicious "desert" smoothie when a sugar craving hits makes this program a perfect fit for me. I've been able to lower my BP meds to the lowest dosage possible as a result of the changes I've made. This alone is worth every single step I've taken. I've always wanted the best for those I love and I share this program with everyone because it may just be 'the thing they were looking for' to get motivated and started on their own health transformation, regardless if it is for weight loss or improving their current level of fitness. Whether people join me on a body by vi challenge or they join me while participating in their own challenge, doesn't matter. What matters, is that people start. They take action and change their health for the better. I will not go all political here, but obesity is expensive. Canada's health system is over extended and already failing Canadians. Getting fit, eating well, loving more... all of this will make a difference.

3/18/2013 08:54:27 pm

you are an inspiration to me :) And I even started my own blog :) Thank you!


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    Finding Me

    A long time ago, I stopped thinking about what I was eating and now, when I look at pictures, I don't recognize myself. I am ready to change that. 
    JOIN ME!!

