I am pretty sure this message was made just for me. ;) I am giving up many things I love and in response I have had two temper tantrums over it. This included throwing items across the room, slamming doors, cursing at the top of my lungs, and the use of exaggerated hand movements. If you were walking by my house you'd have heard some crazy lady yelling something like this... "it is so unfair, you can eat what you want... and I have to watch. I can`t eat what I want. Why me? Why me? What did I do to the universe? With everything I already have to live without, now I am forced to give up all the foods I really love. What? What? Why me? Urg...." I wouldn't doubt that I threw in a few extra stomps and counter slamming with my fists to ensure my exasperated husband understood the full extent of the crisis I was in. You would have thought I was being forced to give up a necessary organ, like my heart. I am happy to report the drama queen in me as settled down and understands this isn't the end of the world and that the universe is not conspiring against me.

I want to make sure that people understand that giving up gluten isn't something you should do on your own. If you suspect that you have an intolerance to gluten I encourage you to get the proper testing done first.There are so many wonderful healthy gluten filled foods out there that will help people reach their optimum health. I wish I was one of those people who could enjoy hearty whole grain breads and whole wheat pasta and feel well. 

For those who suspect or wonder if some of their symptoms warrant seeking the assistance of a medical doctor or naturopath doctor, check out this site and self test: Gluten Sensitivity/Intolerance Self Test. I am sharing this site as it allows you to get an idea if it is worth your while to go to a Dr. or ND. I am not advocating that you purchase their test kit. I have never used one of these and have not checked with my own ND about the use of one. 

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