Going gluten free is so much more exciting now that Ryan is helping me out! ;)

Here is what I know. And it isn't much... yet. So I will journal as I learn. There is a difference between gluten intolerance and celiac disease. I used to think that if you were sensitive or intolerant of gluten it meant that you had Celiac disease. That is not the case, Celiac disease is an auto - immune reaction to gluten (the protein found in most grains) and is the most extreme level of a gluten intolerance. Gluten intolerance can present itself as any health related issue caused by gluten. And because of this, it is really tough to diagnose.

I have not been diagnosed with Celiac Disease.

My symptoms that have led to a diagnosis of Gluten Intolerance are:
  • Weight gain
  • low iron levels (I have been diagnosed & I am treated regularly for anemia)
  • heart palpitations & dizziness (more a result from the anemia, I think) 
  • acne, hives, boils
  • bloating, pain, gas, and diarrhea
  • swelling and aching joints
  • Depression & anxiety
  • Head aches & Migraines
  • Exhaustion 
  • Irritability and behavioural changes
  • Infertility, irregular menstrual cycle and miscarriage
  • Cramps, tingling and numbness
Back in 2011, after many years of testing and being treated for a number of the above things, without real relief, I finally sought the guidance of a Natropathic Doctor. Many thanks to my dear friend, Kathleen, for her gentle encouragement to do so. Through the testing I did with my ND we discovered that I had an intolerance to gluten. Gluten was removed from my diet and I felt amazing! At that same time we discovered that I had an "off the charts" amount of yeast in my body - this is called Candida. I was put on a very strict diet to clean up my system. It was hard and I kept telling myself it was temporary. Once I cleaned up and felt fantastic, I went back to eating the way I did before. I believed that adding in gluten, just a little bit here and there, was ok because I didn't have Celiac's Disease. 

I am now back at square 1, in addition, I have started to have reactions to some make up and shampoos. I wouldn't doubt if it has something to do with the gluten that is likely in those products. I am going to look into that some more.

My ND has once again provided a diet that I am to follow. It is ugly. The upside, I can continue with with my Vi Shakes as they are gluten free! I need to reduce my almond milk consumption to 1 per day. This has been scary and tough to swallow. I was even bargaining with the diet. While talking about the changes I had to make with a friend at work, and in an effort to beat the system, I said, "I am thinking I will skip the fruit and add in a second glass of almond milk!"  As any good friend should, she co-related water ice and fruit Vi smoothies to Slushies ~ Suddenly giving up my second glass of almond milk wasn't so daunting!

I am excited to report that drinking the vi shape mix with only ice, water, and a chocolate mix in tasted much better than I thought it would. Now, I can enjoy an evening almond milk smoothie with some nut butter for desert.

I want to share an awesome site that I am finding really helpful while learning this new lifestyle called The Celiac Diva.
Today, I was so angry about having to make these changes. But after checking things out, especially the video series on the above site - I am in a much better place. Plus, I also have this husband... his name is Trevor. He and I are the perfect combination of crazy and calm. Xo