Isn't it amazing how far we can climb once we find the courage to take the first step? I took my measurements today and I am excited to report that the changes I have been noticing, especially in how my clothes are fitting, were not 'all in my head!' I have lost a total of 5 inches!! I am half way to my goal and I have not even made it to the half way point in my challenge. I have 57 more days to continue to rock this and you know what? I will! :)

Every single morning, we wake up with a fresh start. I am grateful for that. Two days of pushing through the cravings and re-focusing my energy have brought me here...back on plan. There's no stopping me now! It is day 29 and I've recovered.

I have a terrible headache today. I'm detoxing the sugar demons from my body, yet again. Sometimes I wonder what this is all for? Why do I keep trying over and over again to kick these nasty habits? I want the kind of freedom a healthy body can bring. I want to have fun shopping for clothes again. I would like to jog along side my husband without my lungs starting on fire. I have a secret dream to go zip lining but my fear is that I would be turned away due to weight restrictions.  I want to feel comfortable wearing a bathing suit in public again. Mostly, I want to feel strong, healthy, and full of life.
So on days like this, I choose to look at my glass as half full, I tell myself I CAN do this and that my dreams of being the healthy person I deserve to be, is possible as long as I plan my menu for the day. As long as I get my work outs in. As long as I focus, I can and will reach my goals.

Getting back on track after a fall, is never easy.  It takes courage, determination, perseverance and will. I started my week strong and empowered. How did I let the reins slip? It started with a decision to skip my workout in favour of a movie. At the movie I indulged in popcorn. The next morning, I had a hard time getting out of bed for work, I felt swollen and bloated. I had a very long, hot shower and when I finally emerged from the bathroom, I was already ten minutes late for work. So I did what every person running late does, I skipped my breakfast smoothie. I remember feeling ravenous at lunch time that day and without even thinking, I was driving away from the drive thru lane with a fast food burger and fries as my side kicks. Rinse & Repeat for two more days. :( It is now Saturday and I can't get last week back. For the first time ever, after taking a fall from program, I see things a little differently. I see the time I wasted by avoiding the things that make me feel good, like exercising and eating well. I am disappointed with myself, but I have resolve to get back on plan. I really miss the shakes. I really miss the euphoric feeling of completing a work out. I realized this week, I miss those two things way more than fast food and sugar. Because those two demons suck the life out of me. They make me irritable and sassy. Ok, I am always a little sassy...but I'd much rather be sassy while exercising and eating clean! ;) I am re-committing to daily blog updates, I need to refocus on accountability. Here's to the courage that it takes to rise up from a fall. Let it be the courage that defines us!

Symbolism can be inspirational and there is something about this picture that I am drawn to. I love that the number 22 is made of steel and bolted to more steel. There is strength in making it to day 22 without giving up. I feel stronger today than I did yesterday. The 90 day challenge is the back bone to my success on program. It is the sturdy, strong steel I am bolted to as I continue on this journey toward reaching my goals. Countless people have had great success using the ViSalus products and now, so am I. I am proud of that. On this 22nd Morning of my 1st 90 Day Challenge of 2013, I am empowered to keep going. Simply empowered.

p.s. Check out ViSalus` Blog promoting sleep... Have I mentioned the importance of sleep yet?? ;)

What a phenomenal week! My workouts were the strongest & sweatiest yet. :) I am on fire and loving it!! I am concentrating on getting more sleep so I am not blogging every day but the effort is still going in and the results are starting to show. After a bit of a plateau the numbers on the scale are starting to move. Though my inches have been coming off little by little all along. Again, my energy is through the roof. I am NOT giving up and so excited to see what week 4 brings!!

It's hard when the number on the scale doesn't move from weigh in to weigh in. Sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and give up. Then I remind myself that there is more to this than the digital number. I see results in my energy levels. I feel the results when I put on my jeans (straight from the dryer and still loose kind of results!) And when a run up four flights of stairs during my workout, I'm less winded. Each day is one day closer to reaching my goals. We must never lose sight of that!
Mocha Smoothie for Breakfast; homemade pulled pork for lunch, butterscotch smoothie for afternoon mini meal, and leftovers for supper. 30 Mins of power walking with stair jogging every 10 mins. 20 mins of strength training. I am a sweaty little superstar ;)

"We get what we give" surely applies to weight loss challenges. There isn't a magic pill or a magic shake. We have to do the work, we put forth the effort. Thankfully we are blessed with tools to help, like the vi shakes and vi trim. If you purchase the shakes and think you found a magic cure, you are not ready for weight loss. And that is ok. The shakes are jam packed with nutrition, nutrition your body has likely been lacking for some time. I know mine was. I fed my body the nutrition for a year and half but I wasn't ready to put in the effort of changing habits. I mentioned this before, the 2 week mark ignites my flight syndrome. This time I am sticking around & will continue to 'fight' the ol' sugar demons. I will continue to eat well, sleep longer, exercise harder. A healthier me  is within reach because I dream it can be and I am ready to make that dream a reality. Starting week 3 tomorrow & feeling proud of this accomplishment.

I am at that dreaded two week mark of my challenge. I always feel so amazing by this point, just as I do now. I am seeing results on the scale and my clothes are fitting better. I have a ton of energy & I feel on top of the world. Right about now in past challenges, I start to let myself slip a little. I give myself permission to skip a shake, a workout, or to enjoy a fast food burger laden in fat and calories. Eventually, I find myself giving up because I've fallen so far off track. But not this time. This time I refuse to give up. Something feels different.  And I like it.

Sometimes life just gets "windy." For the past three days, mine has been windy, cold, and if I do dare be honest, miserable. Loving VI though, it is my "go to" as soon as I wake up, no matter what. Even though I am sticking with the shakes, I HAVE added a little of the damned 'sweetness' back to my 3 days past. Which I am slightly bothered by. I want to stop this reliance on sugar every time I hit some bumpy terrain. My true, real and only resolution (I've got goals for 2013) but my resolution for this year is to put my health 1st. No matter the struggles I am facing, I want the healthy me to shine. She can't just keep showing up for those happy and good time moments. She's gotta get tougher & stronger. And she will. I will! Day 11 tomorrow...Stand strong, adjust and carry on. 

    Finding Me

    A long time ago, I stopped thinking about what I was eating and now, when I look at pictures, I don't recognize myself. I am ready to change that. 
    JOIN ME!!

